Health Care Assistant - County Wexford

Healthcare Assistant (HCA) – Wexford Town, New Ross, Enniscorthy, Gorey & Surrounding AreasPay Rate: €13.50 - €15.00 per hourShifts: Morning (8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon) & Evening (4:00 PM – 9:00 PM)Full-time and part-time hours availableOwn transport requiredAbout the Role:Bluebird Care Wexford is looking for compassionate and dedicated Healthcare Assistants to join our home care team. As an HCA, you will provide essential care and support to clients in their own homes, helping them maintain independence and dignity.What We Offer:Flexible Work Hours – Full-time & Part-time positions availableCompetitive Pay: €13.50 - €15.00 per hourFull Training & Career Progression OpportunitiesSubsidised QQI Training & Reimbursement for new HCAsSupportive Local Team & Ongoing TrainingPay Structure:€13.50 per hour – for those with 12+ months of care experience (caring for a loved one, including personal hygiene) who complete two QQI modules before starting.€14.00 per hour – for those with experience and the two QQI modules (Care of the Elderly & Care Skills).€15.00 per hour – for those with experience and all 8 QQI Level 5 modules.Who Can Apply?Experienced Carers with QQI Level 5 modules in Care of the Elderly & Care Skills.Unqualified but Experienced Carers (e.g., family caregivers) – We offer subsidised training.Compassionate Individuals who are reliable, dedicated, and passionate about making a difference.

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