Health Care Assistant - Blanchardstown

Bluebird Care is looking to expand our dedicated and hard-working team in Blanchardstown. If you have a compassionate heart, a warm smile, and a knack for bringing joy to others, we want you! Known as other many titles such as Carer, Home Carer, Community Carer, Care Assistant, and Healthcare Assistant, this role is essential to making a change in lives and aiming to provide high-quality care and companionship to our clients.Role of the Care Assistant:A Healthcare Assistant’s primary purpose is to deliver personal care and assistance to a client in their own home. Healthcare Assistants are responsible for the implementation of the requirements of the clients care plan, performing identified care duties and promoting client comfort, dignity and wellbeing. The essential qualities of a Healthcare Assistant include having genuine compassion for others, and the ability to consistently demonstrate kindness, empathy and patience. Being a good communicator, with the ability to build a rapport with others is also key!Attractive salary and employee benefits (up €15.00 for QQI qualified & experienced staff)Sunday Rates up to €17.00Double Pay Bank HolidayBi- Weekly PayTravel paymentBluebird Care will provide Free QQI Training for Care Skills & Care of the Older Person.Free Manual Handling TrainingFull support from our Care Management Team and 24/7 emergency phonePositive Working Environment - with many celebrations throughout the year!Flexible working hours to suit your lifestyleEmployee of the Month award - €50 VoucherYearly Loyalty Bonus discharged in December - Tax Free (Approx €250 for Part Time and €500 for Full time)Christmas Gifts & RaffleEmployees of the Year Awards – Spirit of Bluebird Care Award €150 Tax Free Voucher & Care Assistant of the Year Award - €250 Tax Free VoucherRefer a Friend Scheme - €500 for every successful referral for you & for the person you refer!Professional Development - we love to promote from within!Bike To Work SchemeUniform & Free PPE ProvidedQualifications & Experience Required:Healthcare Assistants must have either obtained QQI approved Level 5 Modules Care of the Older Person and Care Skills/Healthcare Support; or have a minimum of one-years' experience caring for others and be willing to undertake the two qualification modules outlined above.Bluebird Care will provide Free QQI Training for Care Skills & Care of the Older Person.Contact us today if you would like to hear more about working with Bluebird Care!Job Types: Full-time, Part-time, PermanentExpected hours: 20 – 48 per week

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