Health Care Assistant

Job Title: Health Care Assistant (Health/Social Care)Job Location: Bluebird Care (Dublin South)Area’s primarily include; Blackrock, Stillorgan, Mount Merrion, Donnybrook, Clonskeagh, Rathfarnham, Dundrum Churchtown.Role of Healthcare AssistantThe Care Assistant’s primary role is to deliver personal care and assistance to a client in his/her own home.Care Assistants are responsible for overseeing the clients care plan, perform the planned care duties and promote client comfort, dignity and wellbeing.Your responsibilities as a Care Assistant include . . .Assist the client with Activities of LivingPay due care and attention to all aspects of care duties carried out on behalf of the clientProvide a high standard of care in compliance with Bluebird Care PoliciesBenefitsCompetitive hourly rates from €14.30 - €17.30*Sunday premium hourly rateFortnightly payFlexible working hoursMonthly travel pay bonusPaid MileageRefer a friend bonus of €250Free Employee Assistance Program with access to free councllingBike to work schemeOpportunities for upskillingEmployee of the month awardsSocial eventsQualifications, Skills & ExperienceCare Assistants must have obtained or be open to the completion of QQI approved Level 5 Modules Care of the Older Person and Care Skills/Healthcare Support as a minimum requirement.Excellent EnglishPrevious experience is preferableFlexibility to travelDriving License not essential but a bonusQualitiesEssential qualities of a Care Assistant include empathy the ability to demonstrate kindness, compassion and patience.Employment TypePart-time (20-25 Hours per week)Full Time (up to 40hrs)Flexible working hoursUniform and supplies providedContact Details:Tel: (01) 206 1974Email: caitrionaobrien@bluebirdcare.ieHourly rates inclusive of travel pay*

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