Health Care Assistant - Ardee - IHE

Full job descriptionPlease note that this role is often referred to by alternative titles: Home Support Worker, Home Carer, Community Carer, Care Assistant, Healthcare Assistant, and more.Bluebird Care are expanding our team in Ardee.While supporting with various tasks such as personal care, meal prep, and housekeeping, your genuine compassion and attentiveness will ensure our clients feel valued and supported.BenefitsHourly rates of up to €21 per hour. Premium rates apply for Sundays & Public HolidaysPaid travel time)Permanent full-time and part-time contractsFlexible hours to suit your availability and promote work-life balanceBi-monthly payCareer progression opportunities and developmentPay increments for length of service, experience, and qualificationFree QQI qualification, Induction Training and Online certified training coursesFree Uniforms and Garda Vetting24/7 On-Call SupportEmployee Assistance ProgramEmployee Wellness program and engagement eventsCarer of the Year and Month recognitionDiscounts and partnershipsPlease note that you must be resident and permitted to work in Ireland to applyExample ScheduleExample Schedule 1: Mon-Wed - 5 hours a day, Sat & Sun - 9 hours a day (33hrs per week)Example Schedule 2: Tues, Thurs, Sun - 6 hours a day (18hrs per week)Example Schedule 3: Tues - 4 hours a day, every second Saturday & Sunday - 10hrs per day (14hrs per week - over 2 weeks)Please note that these are sample schedules, and our team will work with you to tailor your roster to suit your availability and lifestyle.

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