Health Care Assistant

St. John of God Dublin South East Services provides a network of education, training, employment, respite, community living supports and rights promotion to children and adults with intellectual disabilities in South Dublin.  Health Care Assistant(Adult Residential)Permanent, Fixed Term Contracts & Relief Hours FULL IRISH MANUAL DRIVING LICENSE NECESSARY The successful candidate will have:A recognised and relevant qualification (FETAC level 5) e.g. Social Care/Training/Education/Teaching etcA strong interest and /or experience in working with adults with an intellectual disability.The ability to support people in their daily living and identify and develop people’s natural support networks, work and social roles, and access meaningful activities in the community.The ability to facilitate and support service-users, including people with complex needs, in both service based and community programmes.Knowledge of relevant national legislation, policy and standards e.g. HIQA and New DirectionsExcellent communication, teamwork, interpersonal, organisational and initiative skills.Understanding of the importance of Safeguarding Vulnerable people, Person Centred Planning, Advocacy, Human Rights and Risk Management concepts.A full manual driving license is an essential requirement for this role. If you believe you have the necessary enthusiasm, competencies and experience to bring to this role, please upload your letter of application along with your Curriculum Vitae. Reference: DSEHCARESOCT24 For more details please contact Michelle Genoe, Programme Manager at Tel: 087 9310836Shortlisting will apply  Saint John of God Community Services Limited is an equal opportunities employer. We operate HSE (Health Service Executive) funded services across Intellectual Disability, Adult Mental Health and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. HOSPITALITY COMPASSION RESPECT  

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