Health Care assistant - Specific Purpose Contract

Beechfield Care Group are currently seeking to recruit Health Care Assistant  to assume responsibility for the care of residents at Beech Park Nursing Home, Kildare R51 PC58.Please note this is an urgent vacancy and candidates will need to be ideally available to start immediately. Only candidates who are already located in Ireland will be considered for this position.  We are a long-established Nursing Home Group based Dublin, Carlow, Meath, Westmeath & Kildare. Our mission is to provide the best standard of quality care to our residents. Our philosophy places the care of the resident at the heart of the nursing home. About Beechfield Park At Beechfield Park, located nestled in the Kildare countryside just minutes from Kildare Town, every resident is unique, and we respect and value everyone for who they are. This is our ethos, one which we live by in the beautiful surrounds of Beech Park. We take pride in our wonderful and passionate care team, and this is essential in achieving and maintaining the high standard that we set for ourselves.About the Role:The Health Care Assistant is a key member of the multi-disciplinary team responsible for the care of our resistant’s. The HCA helps, support and direct personal care required to maximise the independence and wellbeing of our resistant’s including looking after their physical, emotional, and cultural needs.  Role Responsibilities:Ø Undertake hygiene and dress care functions for residents. Ø Safe manual handling and transfer of residents within nursing homeØ Delivery of food to and feeding of residentsØ Return of used trays and dishes top kitchen, leaving residents and their rooms neat and tidyØ Bed making and linen changes.Ø Provide incontinence and toilet care to residents, including emptying commodes and replacing catheter bags.Ø Assisting trained nurses with provision of psychological and social support as neededØ Continuous vigilance towards dignity, comfort, safety, and whereabouts of residentsØ Continuous adherence to hygiene, health, and safety regulationsØ Any other duties as required.   Great benefits on offer:Ø Paid BreaksØ Meals on siteØ Paid trainingØ Free parkingØ Flexible working hoursØ Education & Development - Paid QQI Level 5 Healthcare Support ModulesØ Summer & Christmas PartiesØ Access to Pension SchemeØ Employee Assistance ProgrammeØ Long service, Employee recognition and appreciation awards  Desirable:Ø Elder care experience.Ø QQI Level 5 - Healthcare Support   

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