Health Care Assistant/ Support Worker

Job Title                     Health Care Assistant/ Support Worker Report To                   Cardiology ManagerRole SummaryThe Health Care Assistant (HCA) works as part of the department team under the supervision of a member of the cardiology team and they will:·      participates in the delivery of patient care·      contributes towards department organisation·      gives support to cardiac physiologists in the provision of a safe and caring environmentKEY RESPONSIBILITIES1.0 Key Areas of Responsibility 1.1     At all times treating patients with dignity and respect, exercising discretion and maintaining their        confidentiality.1.2     Assisting patients to become as independent as possible by giving the appropriate level of        support.1.3     Maintaining personal hygiene including helping with dressing/undressing patients. 1.4       Escorting patients to other departments and hospitals.1.5       Assisting cardiac physiologists to position the patient in order to obtain the necessary imaging / examination.1.6       Be familiar with and adhere to the hospital’s safety procedures.1.7       Assisting cardiac physiologists with preparing the patient and environment for treatment.1.8       To comply with departmental protocols regarding documentation.1.9     Assisting patients to access and use appropriate toilet facilities, ensuring that privacy and  dignity are maintained. 1.10     Maintaining and improving mobility using appropriate patient handling skills. 1.11     Assisting the patients to achieve their maximum physical comfort. 1.12     Maintaining the department environment to promote good infection control and health        and safety at work. 1.13     Taking care of patient’s property and valuables in accordance with hospital policy.1.14     Working co-operatively with others as part of the multi-disciplinary team helping and assisting         staff in the routine work associated with patient care.1.13  Providing comfort, reassurance and support to patients in times of high anxiety or distress.      1.14   Listening to and being able to accept constructive feedback.1.15  Undertaking a range of administrative and clerical tasks associated with patient care to         facilitate the smooth running of the department.1.16  Maintaining and controlling stock, equipment and materials related to patient care in order to           facilitate the efficient and effective use of resources and ensure that patient areas are kept         tidy.1.17   Complying with the policies and procedures at Blackrock Clinic, e.g.·      Health and Safety·      Infection Control including disposal of waste, sharps and infected lined.·      Accident and Incident Reporting·      Complaints Procedure·      Hospital Fire Policy and evacuation  1.18   You must comply with all hospital policy’s in relation to Infection Prevention and Control.             Every employee has a responsibility to know how to reduce infection in their role.1.19   Support the cardiology Manager with new initiatives that are aimed at delivering the highest standards of patient care while adopting a cost consciences approach.  2.0 Communication Skills 2.1   Communicate appropriately with colleagues and other members of the health care teams. 2.2   Communicate in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict and prevents undue              anxiety. 2.3   Recognise limitations and seek assistance where necessary. 2.4   Attend and contribute to appropriate meetings. 2.5   Accept constructive advice when appropriate. 2.6   Report all incidents immediately, which may adversely affect a patient, colleague or the              Blackrock Clinic. 2.7   Communicating clearly and appropriately with patients, their relatives / friends colleagues and all        other members of the multidisciplinary team including responding to queries, answering the            phone, taking messages and passing on written and verbal information to patients. 3.0 General Expectations 3.1   Support the philosophy, objectives and goals of Blackrock Clinic. 3.2   Observe the appropriate lines of authority. 3.3   Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all patients and the activities of Blackrock Clinic. 3.4   Demonstrate flexibility by assisting in all areas of the hospital/clinic as required. 3.5   The Manager depending on the availability of locum cover will arrange annual leave;              this usually means the holiday periods i.e. Easter, summer and Christmas. 3.6   Participates in developing and providing quality care within Blackrock Clinic. 3.7   Assists in orientation of new personnel. 3.8   Continue to develop personal knowledge and skills and seeks outside educational opportunities. 3.9   Present a professional appearance and conform to the dress, hygiene and infection control              policies of the Clinic. 3.10 Be always punctual on duty. 3.11 Comply with GDPR at all times. Note: The transaction of business for patients involving property or money is forbiddenThis job description is a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review aamendments to meet the changing needs of the service

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