Head of Technical

Company Overview: ABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group, committed to excellence in the European retail, manufacturing, and food service sectors.Position Overview: ABP Bridge of Allan is seeking a proactive and detail-oriented Head of Technical to ensure the highest standards of quality, safety, and compliance within its meat processing operations. Reporting to the General Manager, this role is pivotal in driving food safety, integrity, and regulatory adherence.Duties and Responsibilities:1.Strategic Contribution: Collaborate with senior management to formulate business strategies and meet customer requirements for business development.2.Quality Management: Develop and maintain the Quality Plan and HACCP documents, ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements.3.Continuous Improvement: Take ownership of the site's Food Safety & Quality Management System, driving continuous improvement initiatives.4.Team Leadership: Provide leadership and guidance to team members, identifying training and development needs and fostering effective working relationships.5.Audits and Compliance: Lead customer certification, factory food safety audits, and maintain site approvals and certification. Manage BRC and customer audits, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.6.Customer Relations: Manage customers, ensure complaints managed promptly, ensuring closeout actions and adherence to set targets.7.Process Compliance: Maintain systems for validating and verifying process compliance, ensuring production meets quality standards and import requirements.8.Technical Reporting: Deliver technical reports to internal stakeholders and customers in a timely manner.9.Policy Review and Management: Regularly review technical policies, procedures, and standards, ensuring compliance with legislative updates and industry best practices.10.External Relationships: Manage relationships with customers, laboratories, service providers and other organizations to acquire knowledge and access technology.11.Personnel Management: Support managers in employee relations matters, monitor sickness/absenteeism levels, and promote animal welfare.12.HACCP and TACCP Leadership: Serve as the HACCP Team Leader and TACCP Team Leader for the site.Personal Specifications:•Preferred qualified in a food-related subject such as Food Technology/Science.•Previous experience in a similar role or directly reporting to a Technical Manager in a larger site.•Experience in a fresh food factory environment dealing with red or white meat.•Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to delegate effectively.•Strong planning and organizational skills, with flexibility to adapt to changing business demands.•Proactive, dynamic, and motivational with a focus on delivering results in a fast-paced environment.Additional Notes: The Head of Technical plays a critical role in ensuring ongoing compliance with quality, safety, and regulatory standards, driving continuous improvement initiatives and maintaining strong customer relationships. This position reports to the General Manager and the Primary Technical Director, requiring a proactive, detail-oriented individual passionate about excellence in meat processing operations.

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