Head of Sales - Access 360

Head of Sales - Access 360i54 Business park, CovenWe are currently seeking a Head of Sales to join our team at Access 360 and lead and drive organic growth within the Access 360 brand. As Head of Sales you will be accountable for the creation and execution of sales strategies and plans that align with the ambitious Access 360 strategic plan and targets. What you'll be doingProvide day to day leadership and strategic direction for the A360 brand within Tyman UKI to ambitiously grow market share and exceed the targets set out within the three-year strategic roadmap.Create an efficient and effective organisational structure split between field-based representation, internal sales and customer services Develop and execute RTM sales plans focused on both project (specification) work and standard sales which are aligned to deliver organic growth.Understand the market landscape and develop solutions/opportunities to maximise growth for A360.Provide commercial leadership and support across the A360 management team working collaboratively with peers and relevant stakeholders to drive sales and margin growth and ensure a seamless customer journeySet realistic stretch targets to drive individual performance throughout the sales organisation and holds stakeholders to account in the support and delivery of sales plans and executionOptimise price and tender management to generate sustainable marginsProvide direction and input to the Divisional Strategic Planning process and regular ongoing reporting cycles, including monthly performance reviews, budgeting and forecasting and relevant risk/auditing topics.Develop, motivate and nurture a high calibre team. Understands ‘what good looks like’ and creates an environment in which we always seek to recruit and retain the best talent and ensure team members achieve their potential.Encourage commercial continuous improvement within the customer journey to strive for service excellence, engender retention with customers and drive growth.Develop service propositions that drive customer understanding of product specification, assembly, installation and ultimately supports retention.Create and execute Marketing Plans that are aligned toggrowth plans.Drive specification selling to build and secure a healthy long-term pipeline of projects.Ensure CPD’s and other influencing tools are maintained, up to date and valid in terms of certification and compliance.What we're looking forCommercially driven, tenacious, resilient, focused on delivery with a team mentalityExperience with sub and main contractors essentialKnowledge of contracting RTM is required alongside an understanding of the drivers for influencers, specifiers, and architectsStrategic thinker with the ability to formulate plans and support/drive execution through the team. Enjoys operating at both high and detailed levelsStrong leader combined with the ability to manage effectivelyOutstanding communicator and influencesStrong track record of business development and specification salesPreferably a background in civil engineering although not essentialAbout usHere at Tyman UK and Ireland, our purpose is to transform the security, comfort, and sustainability of living and working spaces through our expert touch. Tyman UK and Ireland is one of three divisions within the Tyman Group which has over 4000 employees globally and facilities in 17 countries.The Access 360 portfolio within Tyman provides a total manufacturing solution for roof, ceiling, wall and floor access products to the construction industry.We believe the employment relationship is two-way, so from us you can expect a professional and safe working environment where teamwork is paramount. We are really looking for someone who is currently operating at this level in a similar role, however, linked to our value of ‘never stop growing’ we are open to individuals who may be looking for their next career opportunity.

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