Head of Operations

Head of OperationsLocation is flexible – Travel required. Permanent, full-time Competitive salary plus benefits  We have a fantastic newly created position here at Adler & Allan, we are looking for a Head of Operations that can make waves within our Water division! Reporting to our Operations and Commercial Director for our Water Division, your main aim will be overseeing and optimising operations across our business portfolio. Strategic thinking, exceptional problem-solving abilities with a deep understanding of operational processes will be your strongest fortes to make this role a success.The Head of Operations will play a critical role in driving efficiency, productivity, and profitability across our Water division. Deep diving more into the role:Strategic Planning: Develop and implement operational strategies aligned with the Divisions overall objectives.Process Optimisation: Identify areas for improvement in operational processes and implement solutions to enhance efficiency, quality, and cost-effectiveness. Streamline workflows and eliminate bottlenecks to drive operational excellence.Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate closely with other departments, including sales, marketing, finance, and human resources, to ensure alignment and coordination of operational activities across the organisation.Performance Monitoring: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track and evaluate operational performance. Analyse data and metrics to identify trends, issues, and opportunities for improvement.Risk Management: Identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.Proposal Reviews: Oversee the development and management of client proposals, ensuring resources are allocated effectively and expenses are controlled.Continuous Improvement: Promote a culture of continuous improvement within the operations function, encouraging innovation, creativity, and adaptation to change.About you:We are looking for someone operating at a similar level with proven experience within the water industry - this will put you in the best place to thrive and excel in this role (and even more so if your degree is broadly within this sector too) About us: At Adler and Allan Group, we're not just a company – we're environmental champions committed to protecting our planet while helping businesses thrive. We're a diverse, dynamic team dedicated to providing top-tier environmental, energy and water infrastructure services across the UK. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the environment, minimising operational disruptions, and supporting sustainability goals for our valued clients.

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