Head of Department - Electrical Department

DPS Group is a global engineering, consulting, and project management company, serving high-tech industries around the world. DPS delivers services for clients across the complete engineering and construction value chain including feasibility studies, concepts, consulting, architecture, engineering, procurement, construction management, commissioning, qualification and validation, as well as contingent staffing solutions.The Head of Department is responsible for the management of the team and technical output produced by the Electrical Department in the design of electrical and instrumentation designs for construction.Summary of ResponsibilitiesManagementManages the department while participating in the design activities, including regular catch ups on performance and training needs.Assesses E&I resources required for the projected department workload on an ongoing basis. Managing department numbers to meet ongoing needs, increasing and reducing numbers where required.Allocate design work to appropriate team members. Ensures the project hours are adhered to and that CN’s and PCN’s are produced where justifiedMonitor and evaluate team members performance and conduct PDR reviews.Assess and implement training requirements and ongoing development of the team.Promote and support Health & Wellbeing initiatives.Technical ExcellenceEnsures that designs produced are technically correct, produced adhering to time & quality standards.Embed a culture of continuous improvement within the team. Independently review designs prior to construction issue.Prepare/Sign off deliverables and hours requests from project managers and others to allow for the preparation of proposals.Work with the Engineering Manager and other department managers to progressively improve the efficiency of the company in providing designs that meet the Client’s needsHealth & SafetyOversee relevant regulatory compliance on projects within the Dublin Projects Operation for Health, Safety and Environmental requirements.Candidate Requirements15+ years of relevant experience (including electrical design)Bachelor’s Degree Electrical Engineering / or other relevant areaExperience leading and motivated a team.Expertise in technical systems including computer operation for engineering design programsExcellent communication skills, analytical, problem-solving and decision-making skills·       

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