Head of Decarbonised Heat and System Supports

For full job description please visit: Open Roles | Careers | SEAIDescriptionAs a member of the Senior Management Team, the Head of Decarbonised Heat & System Supports will participate in, and contribute to, the development of the overall business strategy, bringing knowledge, expertise and future vision for SEAI business activities. This position will establish and oversee the Decarbonised Heat and System Supports Department. This department is new to SEAI and will comprise of the transfer of existing functions plus the establishment of the new national District Heating Centre of Excellence. The existing functions will comprise of the Decarbonised Heating and Cooling research function, the Single Point of Contact service for consenting in renewable energy projects and the SEAI Sustainable Energy Communities, Schools and RESS programmes. This is an outstanding opportunity for a visionary leader to create the national programme for District Heating, to support policymaking in decarbonising heat and to grow impact from, and supports for, our Sustainable Energy Communities. As this role will lead a hybrid team comprised of internal staff and outsourced external service providers the Head of Decarbonised Heat &System Supports will have extensive people leadership skills with strong motivational and influencing experience. Role ProfileThis position has responsibility for the development of the overall vision and strategy of the evolving programmes within the Department. The role holder will have an in-depth understanding of their specific professional areas including operational knowledge of heat, preferably heat networks, and renewable infrastructure and public engagement to build social acceptance. They will need to be someone who can operate effectively and efficiently in a continually developing and changing context and be capable of motivating others to embrace change. It is essential that the role holder keeps their own technical knowledge current and actively seeks insights on emerging technology. The preferred candidates should have the ability to build strong relationships with both internal & external stakeholders and have a strong focus on continuous improvement of the Programmes, Team, and Culture.Importantly, as a member of the Senior Management Team, this role will also be expected to make a key contribution in organisation-level strategic thinking, in engagement with stakeholders, and in the communication of key messages. Responsibilities The responsibilities of the role outlined in this job description are indicative of the currently envisaged scope and may be added to or altered as required, in line with the requirement of SEAI across Business Units/Department. They will include, but not limited to, the following:Lead in the establishment and management of the District Heating Centre of Excellence. This will be a key focus at the start of the role, with a staggered transfer of other existing functions to enable this.Lead strategic initiatives in the development of District Heating in Ireland including programme development in areas ofo   Market Development o   Strategic Planningo   Project SupportLead strategic initiatives to support heat decarbonisation, the evidence base to support this, and to enable communities to adopt and deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy schemes.Manage the Decarbonised Heat & System Supports team.Support key government stakeholders in the establishing and delivering policy and key proposals across decarbonised heat, District Heating and supporting Sustainable Energy Communities programmes.Develop National Strategy for development of district heating and its support longer term strategy.Oversee, and be accountable for, programme performance and reporting, team leadership and development. Ensure effective financial performance of department. Participate on SEAI’s senior management team, contributing to the overall management and strategic direction of the organisation. Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time. Eligibility to Work: The SEAI has a legal obligation to ensure that all employees are lawfully entitled to work in Ireland. Where applicable and to support a candidate’s application, candidates must submit a valid work permit/visa confirming permission to work in Ireland. Failure to submit the required evidence, and failure to hold a valid permit/visa during the period of the contract, will result in the application and/or contract of employment being rendered void. #LI-Hybrid

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