Head of Data Strategy & Analytics

ComReg Overview We are the statutory body responsible for regulating electronic communications, postal and premium rate services in Ireland. We are a professional, multi-disciplinary organisation, operating in a dynamic telecommunications environment that is constantly evolving. Our Mission - at the heart of everything we do - is to facilitate the development of a competitive communications sector in Ireland that attracts investment, encourages innovation and empowers consumers to choose and use communications services with confidence.Division Overview Strategy & EconomicsWorking cross-organisationally, the Head of Data Strategy and Analytics will be part of the Strategy & Economics team. The Strategy & Economics team has the following principal areas of responsibility:• The Strategic Planning process;• Research;• Data Strategy and Analytics;• Economic Advice and professional leadership of economics; and,• International Activities.This is an exciting time to join ComReg. The scale and complexity of data required by ComReg to perform its functions is growing. ComReg’s ambition to move the organisation to the next levels of maturity in how it manages and uses data in support of regulatory decision-making. We are looking for someone to lead on strategy development, to champion the deployment of leading-edge techniques and to manage organisational change.The role and responsibilities The principal areas of responsibility of the Head of Data Strategy and Analytics will be as follows: • Data Strategy: To develop and drive implementation of ComReg’s data strategy allowing progression to the next levels of maturity in the management and use of data in support of regulatory decision-making. • Data Policy: To develop and implement data policies, promote the adoption of best practice and effectively manage organisational change. • Expertise: To have knowledge and provide advice to business units on data sources and champion the adoption of leading-edge techniques and tools. • Communications: To effectively communicate the status, value, and importance of data to ComReg’s Leadership Team, Senior Managers and staff. • Management of a small team within the Strategy & Economics UnitAdditionally, the Head of Data Strategy and Analytics will: • Manage a programme of training for ComReg staff across the broad spectrum of data-related competency requirements, including in relation to relevant ComReg policies and standards, the use of ComReg Business Intelligence tools, and other data analytics tools. • Derive insights from data held by ComReg, including in support of business units, and in particular in support of Research in the Strategy & Economics team. • Identify efficiency enhancements in ComReg’s data processes and systems and to support innovative uses of data.The Head of Data Strategy and analytics will report to the Director of Strategy & Economics.Qualifications and Experience required Essential • Postgraduate Qualification in data or related areas. • Extensive experience working at a senior level in an organisation, of developing organisation strategy and demonstrated success driving organisational change. • Proven track record in managing the delivery of complex projects, in an individual and team capacity. • Experience working with Data Governance and/or Data Management tools. • Strong understanding of IT data architecture and database design. • Demonstrated experience of one or more Data Analytics or Business Intelligence platforms. • Strong communications skills with specific ability to express ideas clearly and concisely - verbally and in writing – with a view to engaging and influencing. Desirable • Project Management qualification, PRINCE2, PMP or equivalent. • Demonstrated consulting skills, with change management concepts and strategies, including communication, culture change and performance measurement system design. • Knowledge or exposure to telecommunications, electronic communications services businesses or digital economy firm. • Knowledge or exposure to regulatory requirements for data. Core Competencies & Skills for the Role In addition to your technical qualifications and experience, you will bring professional competencies and skills in the following core areas:Analytical & Critical Thinking: Objectively analyses and evaluates information in order to identify patterns between situations that are not obviously related. Develops and clearly articulates solutions to complex problems.People Skills: Uses interpersonal skills to create engagement and clarity. Manages conflict and implements practical solutions. Recognises the impact of own behaviour and adjusts as required. Actively develops others.Technical Knowledge & Continuous Improvement: - Possesses a command over the technical and professional skills for a particular discipline. Keeps an open mind. Demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement.Ownership & Accountability: Applies professional ethical standards. Takes responsibility for work activities and personal actions. Follows through on commitments. Acknowledges mistakes and learns from them. Maintains effective interactions with outsourced service providers. (Delete as appropriate)Communicating & Influencing: Communicates clearly, confidently and respectfully. Engages, persuades and convinces others to follow a particular course of action. Ensures all relevant parties are appropriately updated and notified.Teamwork: Promotes and enhances team performance through working collaboratively and in cooperation with others to achieve goals. Interacts in a manner that builds respect and fosters trust. (Delete as appropriate)Planning and Organising: Establishes and monitors priorities, systematically differentiating between urgent, important and unimportant tasks. Plans and manages activities to consistently deliver results. Meets objectives within agreed predetermined time frames and deals with urgent operational situations expeditiously.Our PackageWe are offering an attractive package: • Salary €104,535.46 - €129,624.54 * (Pay increases will be awarded annually subject to satisfactory performance)• Dublin city centre location • Blended working environment - 2 days a week in office (flexibility for more days may be required depending on business needs)• 28 days Annual Leave per year increases with service• Fully paid Maternity, Paternity and Parent’s leave• Income protection scheme• Education assistance and Training Opportunities • Professional membership fee pay• Attractive pension scheme • ComWell Wellbeing Programme• Travel tax saver scheme, Access to Cycle to Work Scheme• Access to Employee Assistance Programme• Access to a members run sports and social club*(entry will be at the minimum point and the rate of remuneration may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government pay policy.)Please Note (1)We hope that our recruitment process supports applications from candidates with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. We understand that having a diverse workforce contributes to making us stronger as an organisation. We are committed to positively supporting candidates with disabilities.  Please let us know if there is any reasonable accommodations we can make to enable you to take part in the process by creating the environment to give you the best opportunity to show your strengths and competencies. Rest assured that whatever information you disclose will only be used to enable us to provide the necessary support and will never have a bearing on the outcome of the process.  Please Note (2)ComReg assesses all applicants fairly based on the requirements for the role. Due to the high volume of applications we receive for positions, we are unable to provide feedback to candidates who are not shortlisted for interview. If you are short-listed for interview, and are subsequently unsuccessful, you can request verbal feedback from your recruitment contact – if you are represented by an agency.

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