Head Kitchen Porter

We are looking for a Head Kitchen Porter to join our team at The Cork International Hotel.Previous experience in the role is required.. Applicants should be flexible and have an excellent work ethic in order to uphold and deliver our consistent standards of excellence.Responsibilities and Duties:Ensure that the kitchens are maintained in a thoroughly clean and tidy state at all timesCleaning and maintaining hygiene standards in the kitchenKeep the kitchen free of wasteLeading a group of Kitchen PortersMust be eligible to work Full Time in the Republic of IrelandReporting to the Head ChefBenefits:Opportunity for training and career development with the Trigon GroupCompetitive rate of payRelocation AssistanceAccess to our Company Pension SchemeDeath in Service BenefitEmployee referral bonusFriends & Family discounts across our restaurantsSpecial rates in our hotel accommodationPaid internal and external training daysAccess to Trained Mental Health First AidersTeam Member Social & Wellbeing EventsTeam Member Annual Awards, Service Recognition, Monthly Team Member of The MonthMeals on DutyAssistance with Leap Cards

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