Guest Experience Executive

A five-star career awaits at Carton House.We invite you to begin your next career chapter at Carton House – a storied and dynamic five-star resort destination and the first and only member of the Fairmont Hotel collection in Ireland.Nurturing a working environment built on fairness, inclusivity, and growth for all team members, we deliver the highest standard of service, turning moments into memories for all of our guests.We are currently recruiting part time Guest Experience Executive to join the Front Office team at Carton House.Key Responsibilities:Complies with statutory and legal requirements for fire, hygiene, health and safety, licensing, GDPR, and employment legislation.Adheres to the crisis management and business continuity plans for the department.Follows all departmental policies, procedures and standard.Clearly demonstrates to guests and colleagues a commitment to service excellence through the effective delivery of Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Brand Standards at all times.Promotes the Brand`s service culture and ensures that guests receive services that enables the Brand promise.Actively creates Sparkle moments that are based on personalization and creativity.Carries out the day-to-day tasks outlined in the shift task list to a high level.Ensure all telephone calls are answered courteously and efficiently, within the Brand standards at all times.Takes responsibility for guest experiences that have negatively been impacted and turns them into memorable moments.Effectively & responsibly handles quests’ requests and reservations by adopting a “onestop” approach.Ensure an attitude of anticipative and caring service is displayed at all times during your shift.They are trained across all roles within the department and works flexibly to ensure guest satisfaction and maximize self-development.Autonomously conducts all tasks that are outlined in the department’s training plan related to the role to a very high level.The successful candidate will:Minimum of 1-2 years previous hotel front office experience in a 5 star property.Ability to work on your own initiative and as part of a team.Previous experience of OPERA would be an advantage.Strong command of the English language.Highly organised with strong customer service skills.Ability to work flexible hours, including weekends, Bank Holidays, early shifts and evening shifts.Why work for Carton House?To be part of Accor’s large global hospitality network. Employee benefit card offering discounted rates in Accor Hotels worldwide.Learning and development opportunities. Refer a friend bonus.Employee Assistance Programme.Strong team focus and team atmosphere.Meals and uniform are provided.Free parking.Team-building and social events organised throughout the year in line with our successful Awards and Recognition Scheme.Training is provided both on-the-job and through organised training seminars with both internal and external trainers.

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