Group Management Accountant

The Group Management Accountant will report directly to the Director of Finance. They will be a key member of the management team within the Finance Department and will work with the Director and Group Cost Accountant and other senior managers within the finance function.Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe duties and responsibilities of the position include, but are not restricted to, the following:·        Managing teams to co-ordinate and deliver on internal and external reporting requirements and ensuring the Groups reporting requirements are met·        Preparation and analysis of the Group Financial Statements to strict deadlines·        Responsibility for preparation of financial forecasts for the group and the subsidiary group companies·        Preparation of trading updates and commentary papers·        Provide leadership to the accounting teams on technical accounting matters·        Oversee the annual audit engagement with the external statutory auditors, ensuring audit requirements are met in a timely manner·        Ensuring financial controls are effective and being appropriately applied ·        Providing leadership to the accounting teams·        Identifying projects across the Finance function to ensure continuous improvement including the utilisation of technology and financial systems to streamline business processes and give further enhancement to customer service while maintaining an effective control framework·        Providing support to business development activities ·        Managing and supporting teams to ensure that staff receive continuing training anddevelopment·        Liaising as required with key stakeholders both internally and externally Essential Criteria:Candidates must be a qualified accountant with 10 years’ relevant post qualification experience in a similar senior role.Desired Criteria:Candidates should possess the following key attributes;·        Excellent technical accounting skills·        Strong commercial acumen with a demonstrable track record in commercial projects·        Ability to achieve tight deadlines·        Good working knowledge of Irish tax legislation·        Demonstrable experience working in a complex environment with a record of success·        Project management and delivery experience·        Demonstrated ability to lead and manage teams within a fast paced dynamic and changing environmentThe following personal characteristics are important for this position;·        Strong attention to detail·        Excellent interpersonal, written and oral communication skills·        Initiative and ability to work independently·        Excellent influencing, persuasion and negotiating skills·        Ability to build positive relationships with colleagues in the group and key external·        stakeholders·        Excellent leadership skills·        Demonstrable problem solving ability·        Record of achievement·        Ability for, and demonstrated experience of, leading and developing teamsBecome a part of something bigger.  At the heart of GMC is our people, from engineers through to customer service and we aim to work collaboratively towards our common goals.  GMC is an equal opportunity employer, and we aim to recruit and retain like-minded people from diverse backgrounds with a wide range of expertise. In GMC we foster a work culture that promotes collaboration and learning, building an environment where our people have the capacity to maximise their potential whilst gaining the opportunity to continuously develop.  Our Future. Since the founding of GMC in 1981 by Gerry McCloskey, GMC has grown to be Ireland’s leading Civils and Utilities company and the future for GMC is bright. We have engaged with our staff and other stakeholders to agree and publish our core values.  One of our core values is to “Focus on the Future”. Our growth to date reflects the confidence that our customers have in our service delivery, in the innovative approach that we bring to how we do our work, and to our culture of safety and quality.  We have ambitious plans to develop our footprint in Ireland and overseas but understand that every decision we make contributes to people’s quality of life throughout generations, and we don't take that responsibility lightly as we build Ireland’s infrastructure of tomorrow, today.  

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