Group Fire Safety Manager

An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the CareChoice Group Property and Facilities Team as a Fire Safety Manager.This is a key post which is instrumental in ensuring that the Group is fully compliant for all fire; life safety; legal and statutory requirements in accordance with all specifications as laid out within the Health & Fire Services Acts and all other regulations under current codes of practice that are addressed across a highly complex and multi-site organisation.The role requires a combination of technical expertise, strategic thinking, and strong leadership skills, work collaboratively with other members of the Groups leadership team, as well as clinical management staff across the organisation.As the Fire Safety Manager, you will support the Director of Property and Facilities Management, and will lead the Group Fire Safety Strategy  on a day to day basis, ensuring full fire safety compliance against recognized legislation and guidance across all clinical and non-clinical locations.You will be responsible for the development and maintenance of efficient, effective and high-quality processes and systems for the management of fire risk, which will assist the Director of Property & Facilities Management and the Chief Executive Officer to meet statutory obligations relating to fire safety on behalf of the Group.The post-holder will:be wholly responsible in leading and developing the Group Fire Safety Policy on a day to day basis, and ensuring Group wide full fire safety compliance against recognised legislation and guidance by delivering fire life safety support and services to all clinical and non-clinical locations.Act as the lead competent person in relation to fire safety issues with specific reference to the HIQA Guidance standards and the requirements of the Fire Services Act and emerging responsible for the development and maintenance of efficient, effective and high-quality processes and systems for the management of fire risk, including development and deliverance of a fire safety management programme, which will include Fire safety training and programme development, risk assessment implementation and review . Assist the Director of Property & Facilities Management and the Chief Executive Officer to ensure that the Trust’s governance activities reflect national and local guidance and initiatives in relation to fire safety requirements.Provide assurance that the Group is meeting statutory and regulatory requirements relating to these functions and where there are gaps these are clearly and robustly articulated in reports and forward mitigation plans.have the ability to work autonomously and be able to receive and carefully analyse and interpret complex information and make judgements and decisions based on compliance with both legislation and technical standards, whilst also advising on fire safety matters for the Groups capital investment program.  Skills, experience and qualifications are we looking for in our Fire Safety ManagerEssentialPost qualification experience in Fire Safety Practice / Fire Engineering/ FM/Building Safety  At least 5 years working in fire safety / fire engineering environment Comprehensive knowledge of Fire Services Act,  Building Control & Safety Health & Welfare at Works Acts, supporting regulations, government guidance. Nebosh fire certificate/ Diploma  / IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire SafetyPAS 79-2020 / BAFE SP205/ Fire Risk Assessment Qualified QQI Level 6 Train the TrainerPreferredCommercial acumen and good organisational skills in order to manage workloads and undertake project management and monitoring; Analytical skills in order to undertake research and provide written summariesDemonstrate ability to make decisions both independently and collaboratively, having first evaluated all options. Supports decisions with factual information and well presentedHealthcare Industry Experience Membership level of Engineers Institute Ireland / Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE)/Institute Fire Safety Managers

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