
 A fantastic opportunity to join the team at Mount Wolseley Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort as Greenkeeper.Mount Wolseley Hotel in Carlow. is beautifully situated in the tranquil countryside of County Carlow, just one hour from Dublin City, the Mount Wolseley Luxury 4 * Golf & Spa Resort Hotel is an exquisite location for both business and pleasure.Standing on its own 18-Hole Championship Golf Course and featuring a Sanctuary Spa, Leisure Club Facilities including 20m Indoor Pool, The Mount Wolseley Hotel near Dublin offers luxury hotel accommodation in Carlow which matches an elegant, chic interior with ultra-modern amenities and impeccable service.Objective: To provide an efficient and effective service to all visitors, members and guests to Mount Wolseley Resort. The most important aspect of our business is customer service and your role within the company is central to successfully achieving our goals.  The ideal candidate will have: Excellent communication skills in both verbal and written forms. The ability to lift, rake and handle equipment. This is a very physical role. A desire for training and development in all aspects of the job, including Health and Safety and Standard Operating Procedures.  Key Duties: The duties include all tasks normally associated with golf course management including:  ·        Operation of handheld equipment ·        Operation of walk behind mowers ·        Operation of sit on mowers ·        Operation of tractors and trailers ·        Raking bunkers and Divoting ·        Switching dew and leaf blowing ·        Topdressing sand  Benefits and Rewards:  ·        Free Car Parking                                                                                                                                ·        Meals prepared by chef on each working day                                                                                                ·        Complimentary Golf  It may also be necessary to assist in miscellaneous tasks from time to time both in the Golf Club and Resort. You are expected to carry out your duties in a diligent and professional manner and with a friendly outgoing attitude. It is also important that you work together with other members of staff to ensure we continue to operate a high standard of professional service and provide an enjoyable environment for both visitors and employees alike.

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