
Rathsallgh Golf & Country Club are looking to recruit a Full-Time Greenkeeper to join their team, Rathsallagh Golf Club, Ballylea, Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow, W91 NW92.Weekend work is completed on a rotation basis. Previous experience in greenkeeping is preferred.Key ResponsibilitiesCut tees, greens, surrounds, fairways, rough and semi rough.Set up the golf course, including changing holes, moving tee markers, emptying bins, cleaning surfaces of debris.Check machinery before use, fuel after use and report any irregularities to the Head Greenkeeper immediately.Maintain good standards of health and safety for self and others.Repairing divots on playing surfaces.Hand watering and irrigating turf.Identifying and controlling weeds and pests.Identifying and controlling turf diseases and disorders.Marking of hazards, out of bounds and ground under repair.Maintaining bunkers.Renovate worn and damaged turf.Rolling greens with a turf iron or similar.Driving a tractor with implements.Understanding the rules of golf relating to golf course maintenance.Maintaining trees and shrubs on the golf courseCommunicating effectively to all team members in the venue and golfers on the course.Key Skills and ExperienceAbility to work in a variety of weather conditionsAbility to communicate effectivelyWork on own initiativePrevious experience desirableBenefitsCompetitive WageTwenty days Annual LeaveCar Parking at the ClubExcellent Training provided

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