
Palmerstown House Estate is a stunning Award Winning Venue and Golf Resort ideal for Family Functions, Team Building and Corporate Events to name a few. We are looking for a Greenkeeper to join our Greenkeeping team.Duties & ResponsibilitiesEnsure the course is properly laid out and prepared for members and guests to the Club and that a very high standard of presentation of the golf course is maintained.Cut Tees,greens, surrounds, fairways, rough and semi rough.See up the golf course, including changing holes, moving tea markers, emptying bins, clearing surfaces of debris.Check machinery before use, fuel after use and report any irregularities to the head greenkeeper or line manager.Repair divots on playing surfaces.Watering and irrigating turf.Identifying and controlling weeds and pests.Marking hazards, out of bounds and ground under repair.Maintaining trees an shrubs throughout the gold course.Communicate effectively to all team members in the venue and golfers on the course.Understand Comer Group Irelands H&S policies and procedures and abide by these team member guidelines at all times.  Ensure guest security and privacy is maintained at all times. Operating and maintaining machinery and tools.Required Education, Skills and QualificationsMust have at least 1 years experience in a similar roleMust have own method of transport Benefits of the RoleFree on-site ParkingSubsidised LunchesFlexible working hoursDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland managed HotelsDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland managed Spa & Leisure FacilitiesDiscounted rates at Comer Group Ireland RestaurantsDue to the large volume of applications for this role, only successful candidates will be contacted.

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