Graduates/Year Outs

To apply for a Graduate/Year Out role at Baily Garner please send over your CV and cover letter.Please state clearly on your cover letter what role you are applying for and which discipline and whether you are applying for Eltham, Birmingham or ManchesterArchitectureBuilding SurveyingElectrical EngineeringHealth & SafetyQuantity SurveyingMechanical EngineeringProject ManagementSustainabilityWe are currently taking applications for our Careers Assessment Days in January in our Eltham office.Embark on your construction career at our Careers Assessment Days – your gateway to securing a coveted Graduate role or Year Out placement in Eltham or Birmingham. Separate events for Graduates and Year Out candidates, hosted at our Eltham office, both taking place in early February 2025We're on the lookout for promising talent to join our team as Building Surveyors and Quantity Surveyors.The itinerary for both days include:-         Meet and greet-         Insightful presentations on Baily Garner Training opportunities-         Engaging individual exercises-         Collaborative group exercises-         Individual interviews-         A catered lunch for all participants-         Valuable feedback sessions-         An interactive Q&A sessionApplications open on April 23, closing on 19 January 2024. Successful applicants will be notified and invited to the Careers Assessment Day in January 2024. Roles will commence from June 2024.Note that attendance at our Eltham office for the Careers Assessment Day is mandatory.Seize this chance to shape your future in construction – apply now for a rewarding career with us!Recruiting for:Graduate and Year Out Building Surveyors and Quantity Surveyors in Eltham.£20k for YO £24-26 Grad depending upon experience and final grade

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