Graduate Surveyor (Roadsurfacing)

Roadsurfacing – Dunboyne, Co. MeathBoasting the most modern fleet of road surfacing equipment in Ireland, the Road Surfacing and Contracting division offers unrivaled expertise in the supply and laying of superior quality bituminous road surfacing materials.Position Description We are seeking a graduate/junior Surveyor to join our Road Surfacing Division. The ideal candidate will be responsible for accurately assessing, measuring, and mapping the terrain for road surfacing projects. The Surveyor will collaborate closely with engineering and construction teams to ensure the successful implementation of road surfacing projects. Responsibilities:·       Site Surveys: Conduct comprehensive site surveys to assess topography, drainage, and other relevant factors for road surfacing projects.·       Data Collection: Gather and analyse data using advanced surveying equipment such as total stations, GPS, and other surveying tools.·       Mapping and Documentation: Create detailed maps, plans, and documentation of surveyed areas, as per the requirements of the operations and commercial teams.·       Collaboration: Work closely with the operations and commercial teams to provide accurate survey data. ·       Quality Control: Conduct quality control checks to ensure accuracy and reliability of survey data.·       Regulatory Compliance: Stay informed about and adhere to relevant industry regulations, standards, and best practices.·       Safety: Prioritize and adhere to safety protocols to ensure a safe working environment for all team members. Skills Required:·       Qualification in Surveying, Civil Engineering, or a related field.·       Experience as a Surveyor, preferably in road surfacing or construction projects is desirable.·       Proficiency in using surveying equipment and software, including total stations, GPS, and AutoCAD. What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:·       Competitive Base Salary·       KPI Based Bonus·       Defined Contribution Pension Scheme·       VHI Healthcare Contribution·       Company Vehicle, Laptop, Mobile·       Twenty-One Days Annual Leave Additional Benefits:·       Further Education/Training Support·       Annual Company Social Events·       Sick Pay·       Cycle to work scheme·       Employee Assistance Programme·       Paid Maternity/Paternity Leave Hiring Process Upon Application:·       Telephone Screening·       2 round interview process (1st Round can be completed via MS Teams where necessary)·       Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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