Graduate Engineer - Commissioning Qualification Validation (CQV)

Graduate Engineer – Commissioning Qualification Validation (CQV) CorkDPS provides full EPCMV (Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management and Validation) services for its clients.  Joining DPS as a Graduate C&Q Engineer would suit a motivated, practical and adaptable individual. Working in our CQV FunctionThe DPS C&Q department works as part of a multi-disciplinary practice which handles our client needs in the following areas: architectural, process, HVAC, mechanical, electrical, commissioning, validation and construction management services. Day to day Working as a Graduate C&Q Engineer your day to day role could involve the activities/ projects in any of the pharmaceutical areas (chemical/biotech/secondary) Work with assigned mentor and Senior engineer to work on the following:·        Preparing protocols for installation and operational checks of equipment·        Reviewing of test documentation from construction team to support execution of protocols·        Reviewing of design specs from design team to ensure all C&Q requirements included·        Reviewing of design PID’s and specifications to ensure design intent is met and documented in DQ protocols·        Preparation of Test matrices to ensure that all requirements are followed through to complete life cycle·        Participation in field walkdowns of installations to ensure all requirements installed as per PID’s·        Execution of operational checks on an array of equipment Who are we looking for·          Degree Qualified Engineering or biotechnology·          Computer literate with proficiency in Microsoft packages·          Team player, adaptable & practical.·          Excellent interpersonal, organisational and communication skills.·          Strong attention to detail.·          Ability to work well on own initiative

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