Graduate Design Engineer

Job Description                                                                      4site is a progressive engineering design and build business servicing the needs of the telecommunications industry, utilities and commercial enterprises. Our HQ is in Limerick, with additional offices in the UK. In business for over 15 years, we are committed to providing innovative solutions to our customers to enable them to deliver the next generation of services for their customers.We’re looking for a determined and enthusiastic individual to join our experienced team of talented people with expertise across multiple engineering disciplines.Reporting toDesign / Survey Team LeadRole and ResponsibilitiesThe main responsibilities of the role will include:Complete graduate program outlined belowCreating site designs for all site typesProduction of drawings from planning to completionComplete site surveysLiaising with clients & suppliersLiaising with senior designers to reach optimised solutionsAs an engineer you will be expected to produce effective solutions with help from team members. We believe that this is an exciting opportunity to join a dynamic company in the field of telecommunications and to help drive it forward.Experience and QualificationsThird level engineering degree or equivalent                              Excellent AutoCAD / GIS skillsEfficient Microsoft office skills                                                   Personal AttributesDetermined and enthusiasticKeen to learn & develop skillsGood time management and organisational skillsStrong team playerGood communicator & IT literateAttention to detailDriven to succeedWilling and able to travel (full clean driving license) travel to sites for surveying phases will be part of the job.

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