Graduate Construction Manager

Are you a Construction Management student looking to kick start your career with dynamic and progressive engineering company?Rockwell are currently recruiting a Graduate Construction Manager to join our team on a permanent & full-time basis. The initial location for this position will be in the Longford region. However, willingness and ability to travel within Ireland is required for this position.Duties and Responsibilities:Work on projects in the Mission Critical, Pharma, Med Tech, Advance and Manufacturing sectors.Shadow experienced construction managers to gain insight into project planning, scheduling, and execution.Collaborate closely with client representatives, project managers, site supervisors, and our internal design team. Additionally, you’ll report directly to the Construction Manager and Operations Director.Assist in basic quantity surveying and estimating duties, including material take-offs, cost analysis, and budget tracking.Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills Experience:Relevant 3rd level qualificationHave a strong interest in pursuing a career in construction management within the mechanical engineering industry.Relevant experience (e.g. summer work etc.) in related industryAbility to work in a vibrant multi discipline collaborative design environmentExcellent interpersonal and communication skillsStrong work ethic and self-starter Why join Rockwell?We provide a competitive salary that reflects your experience and qualifications. You will also have the chance to work in a vibrant and supportive setting, collaborating with experts in the field and making a positive impact on the environment. Our company prioritises work-life balance and supports your professional growth through training opportunities.Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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