Graduate Architectural Technologist 2021

DPS provides full EPCMV (Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management, and Validation) services for our clients, who are primarily in the Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Advanced Technology industry sectors.  As a member of the CSA (Civil Structural Architecture) Department you’ll be continuously developing your capability in process design – through contributing on active projects as well as participating in regular training (both technical and personal skills (such as presentation, communication, management skills, etc.) It is likely your work will involve working on projects in some of the following key areas:·    Sterile Manufacturing·    Fill Finish·    Bulk API·    Oral Solid Dosage·    Chemical Manufacturing·    Microelectronics Day to day... Working as a Graduate Architect your day to day role could involve the following activities:Bring designs from concept development right through detailed design to construction and commissioning.Prepare and update PFDs and P&IDs as part of process design development.Generate specifications for process equipment, analyse vendor bids and provide technical analyses to our clients.Contribute to cGMP and HAZOP design reviews.Continually learn about different technologies so as to deliver the best advice to our clients. Use a range of software packages to develop process designs and analyse process problems. Who are we looking for... 3rd Level qualification in Architectural Technology.0-2 years experienceTechnical proficiency - some experience using BIM/Revit is beneficial  A motivated and enquiring mind with excellent design, communication and organisational skills. IT proficiency and skills required to a high level.

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