Graduate Accountant

We are looking for a graduate accountant to join our Finance team. Purpose of the Position Key liaison between the finance team and operations across a range of value creating activities. You will mainly focus on business partnering and supporting commercial projects, providing financial analysis and insights Become a fully qualified accountant and have the skills and confidence to make a real impactKey ResponsibilitiesMonitor/Report weighbridge activities dailyTrack all tolling loads delivered via the weighbridge. Invoice and reconcile to the general ledger on a weekly basisSupport the various finance functions on rotation:  Accounts Payable: Invoices/credit notes, payments  Procurement: New products, Purchase Orders, Goods receipt notes  Accounts Receivable: Invoices, statements, queries  General Ledger: Journals posting, TB codes  Fixed Asset/Capital Accounting  Monthly: Month end support, reconciliations, analysis Commercial support: Agreeing loads, pricing, solids with third parties  Internal controls: Testing, reporting, enhancing Systems superuser: CORE/SoftTraceProvide support on enhancing finance processes and proceduresPartner with and maintain stakeholder relationships cross functionally - Supply Chain, Quality, Manufacturing, Commercial etc.Other administration support as required Essential Key Behaviours Service orientation - We need to care about adding value to our customers including internal customers Proactive Co-operation - Work collaboratively with others and work effectively across all functions Strong Communicator - We need to communicate effectively at appropriate levels within the business ; verbal & written communication Results Focused - We need to be committed to act in order to attain a demanding objective Attention to Detail - We need to show strong focus, care and attention to detail in our tasks

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