GP Staffing Specialist Locumotion

GP Recruitment is the engine of our business, in this we strive to engage and place quality GPs throughout our network. As a Recruiter you will be the central coordinator for all new GP’s coming to working within Centric Health and Locumotion. The most important part of this role is building relationships with new potential GP’s as you guide them through the beginning of their professional journey with Centric Health and Locumotion. In this role, you will work within a small regional team under the support of a Team Lead to maximise the collective knowledge of both candidate and customer to ensure long-lasting relationships and retention of excellent talent. We strive to provide Permanent and Temporary GP Placements within the network and with external clients. This role would suit a candidate from a strong sales background.GP Staffing Specialist Locumotion·       Contract: Perm-Full time·       Hours: 37.5 Hours Per week·       Working Pattern: Monday to Friday 09:00am to 17:30pm·       Commencement Date: as soon as possible·       Location: 7th Floor, RSA House, Dundrum Town Centre, Sandyford Rd, Dublin, D16 FC92Benefits of working with Centric Health:Pension: The company will match a 5% employee contribution every month.Access to our Employee Assistance Programme to speak to an independent trusted advisor regarding any personal issues or challenges. Sick Leave: Upon completion of your probation, the Company will pay a basic salary totalling a maximum of 2 weeks of your contracted hours.GP Visits:  All Centric employees plus immediate family are eligible for discounted GP visits, in our Centric Health Practices.Indemnity: Indemnity is covered under the Company’s policy.Birthday Day OffMaternity LeavePaternity LeaveFlexible working The successful candidates will be responsible for, but not limited to the following: Actively recruit new General Practitioners across the business.Be the direct point of contact to new leads and candidates.Be the direct point of contact for your Regional Practice Managers and external clients.Work with your Team Leader, through regular meetings, objective setting, and effective communication.Oversee all placements within your specific region, to ensure to the best of our ability that the requirements of our practices and clients are met.Induct new clinicians and locums into company processes.Identify and engage both new and existing doctors, to be placed across the business.Manage work permit applications and IMC enquiries.Through effective account management and regular engagement, be responsible for maintaining and developing relationships with new and existing doctors and customers, to maximise doctor placements.Providing ad hoc reports or practice information to team lead or general manager as required. Position Requirements:Previous experience of recruitment /sales.Excellent administration and organisational skills.Have strong networking and communication skills.Must be proficient in Microsoft office / Excel / Other Software PackagesFlexible attitude to changing work practices. Key Skills:Communicate clearly and effectively, both verbally and in written correspondence.Comfortable working remotely and using the telephone, as well as emerging online tools, to engage with people - colleagues, candidates, and customers alike.Build and maintain good relationships.Welcome and embrace change, with a positive attitude.Be able to work within a fast-paced ever changing environment, and problem-solve.Be willing to take on jobs to balance the team workload.Support, encourage an,d motivate others. Key Experience:Excellent written and spoken English is a requirement for this role. Centric Health / Locumotion is an equal-opportunity employer committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce.

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