Global Product Manager (PFT Solutions)

PFT Solutions Global Product Manager – VitalographRemote/ Field Based (UK or Ireland) Benefits: ·     Company contributed pension ·     Private Health Insurance ·     Educational assistance programme ·     Development & progression opportunities About UsVitalograph is a leading manufacturer of medical respiratory diagnostic devices and software, used in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials. We have designed and manufactured respiratory diagnostic devices, software, and consumables for healthcare professionals, for almost 60 years and serve customers in over 100 countries. Headquartered in the UK, Vitalograph has operations in Ireland, Germany and the USA.  Our PFT Solutions Team is seeking to recruit a global PFT Solutions Global Product Manager to join our existing and expanding team and lead our pulmonary function testing product portfolio. With an extensive range of market-leading products, we require a product manager to manage all phases of the product development lifecycle for new and existing products. Previous experience in medical device product management is essential to be successful in this role. Specific experience with respiratory diagnostics product management is desirable. This is an exciting opportunity to join an ambitious team’s journey to become the go-to people for respiratory diagnostics.Reporting to the EVP of PFT Solutions, you will work with customers, R&D, Chief Clinical Advisor, PFT Solutions Product Specialists, customer insights specialists, PFT Solutions Operations Manager, marketing communication, and regional sales and marketing teams to drive continuous improvement and growth. Key responsibilities as a Global Product Manager:Establish mechanisms for customer and partners’ success and directing development projects.Oversee the development, launch, and lifecycle management of PFT Solutions products and services, championing customer’s segment-specific needs, understanding market trends, and competitive landscape to drive product strategy, innovation, and successful market adoption.Establish mechanisms for customer and partners’ success and directing development projects.Liaise with service and technical support to understand and prioritise product development needs for R&D.Technical lead in strategic partnerships with other respiratory diagnostic companies.Provision product and best practice training of Channel Partners on-site and remotely with PFT Product Specialists.Subject matter expert role in the development of technical and marketing collateral, value proposition and positioning.Develop a product portfolio strategy to enable Vitalograph to maintain a global leadership position.International travel related to direct customer and partner interactions is required, likely to be less than 60%. Key Requirements as a Global Product Manager: Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills with a data-driven approach to decision-making.Strong project management and organisational skills, with the ability to manage multiple priorities and deadlines.Effective communication and presentation skills to collaborate with cross-functional teams and engage with stakeholders at all levels.Familiarity with product management methodologies, agile development processes, and product lifecycle management. 

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