General Practice Nurse

General Practice NurseHere at Kilcock Medical, Centric Health, The Bawnogues Commons, West Kilcock, Co Kildare, W23 XY89, we put our patients first and aim to provide them with the best possible care within the community. As we endeavour to expand as a Company, we are looking for the right people to join our teams and help us deliver the right kind of innovative care that we strive towards. As one of the first lines to our patients, our General Practice Nurses are vital to this initiative as they continue to provide clinical nursing, health promotion, and screening in our GP Practices. We are now looking for an approachable, committed, and professional Registered General Nurse who would like to join our team. We seek someone who can demonstrate courteous, sincere, and sensitive patient service while committing to quality and excellent patient care in the practice.The right candidate will need to have a passion for both Healthcare and the fast-paced culture of a growing company. You will need excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work as part of a team.Benefits:1. Pension: The company will match a 5% employee contribution monthly.2. Access to our Employee Assistance Programme to speak to an independent trusted advisor regarding any personal issues or challenges. 3. Sick Leave: Upon completion of your probation, the Company will pay a basic salary totalling a maximum of 2 weeks of your contracted hours.4. GP Visits: All Centric employees plus immediate family are eligible for discounted GP visits in our Centric Health Practices.5. Indemnity: Indemnity is covered under the Company’s policy.6. Birthday Day Off7. Maternity Leave8. Paternity Leave9. Flexible workingSpecific Job Details:Location: Kilcock, The Bawnogues, Commons West, Kilcock, Co. Kildare W23 XY89Link: Permanent Part-timeWorking Hours: Thursday & Friday 9.00 am – 5.00 pmHours: 14Salary Range: €26 - €28 depending on experienceRoles & Responsibilities:Immunisation·   Administering Infant, childhood, flu, and other vaccinations  Travel Medicine·   Administering travel vaccinations·   Travel Advice Chronic Disease Management·   Cholesterol testing & dietary advice·   Blood pressure monitoring·   Nursing management of chronic respiratory disease & diabetes  Female Health·   Cervical Screening·   Family Planning Sexual Health·   Opportunistic STI screening·   Sexual Health advice Skin/Wound Care·   Treatment of venous leg ulcers and other skin injuries·   Assessment and treatment of skin lacerations·   Nursing management of skin conditions – eczema, psoriasisGeneral Nursing Duties·   Health promotion and education·   Telephone triage and advice·   Phlebotomy·   Ear Irrigation·   Administering prescribed long-term medications/injections Key Skills - What we look for in our employees: Patient Focus·   The ability to remain calm, professional, and polite in dealing with our patients andcolleagues Personal Integrity·   Be professional in your approach to your work·   Be honest and reliable·   Be trustworthy and respectful Teamwork·   Build and maintain good relationships with all colleagues·   Be willing to take on jobs to balance the team workload·   Aim to communicate well with people at all levels Develop yourself and others.·   Be motivated to learn and develop·   Support, encourage, and motivate others·   Coach, guide, and give constructive feedback to others Centric Health is an equal opportunity employer committed to diverse and inclusive workforce.#IND1

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