Construction General Operatives (Modular Division)

The Role is to complete tasks as set out by the Supervisors of the Manufacturing Facility to a high and safe standard. General Operative Responsibilities include:·        Read basic Engineering Drawings.·        Use Power Tools…Drills, Saws, Abrasive Tools, etc.·        Measure and mark out materials.·        Cut materials to size as outlined on drawings.·        General fit out.·        Rotating 8 Hr. shift pattern. Candidate Skills:·        DIY background.·        Previous GO to a Construction Trade maybe an advantage.·        Problem Solving skills.·        Good hand to eye coordination.·        Ability to work on own initiative or part of a team.If you have these skills, we would be delighted to receive your CV.For more information about Suretank and career opportunities available view our webpage  or contact HR on (041) 686-2022 ext 202. 

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