Yard Operative/Forklift Driver

TJ O’ Mahony Timber & Panel Products, John F Kennedy Road, JFK Industrial Estate, D12 KR94, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for a full-Time, Permanent, Yard Operative/Forklift Driver to join our TeamJob Purpose: Yard Operative/Forklift Driver.Duties and Responsibilities:Pick and complete sales orders, wrap deliveries, and complete warehouse paperwork for each dispatch.Unload, record and put away of stocks and deliveries.Ensure all Health and Safety standards are always adhered to in line with Company policy.Load and unload lorries in a safe and efficient manner.Move and stack materials.Using correct manual handling techniques.Perform general warehouse duties in order to maintain a smooth operation.Checking that finished product packs are closed/sealed properly and that labels are in the correct position.Delivering product to customers by van may also be a requirement of the position.Requirements:Good communication and interpersonal skills.Computer Skills.Friendly, helpful attitude.Have full reach and counterbalance forklift licences.Benefits:Career progressionBonus SchemeBike to Work SchemeFree On-Site ParkingHours: 39 hours per week (Monday - Friday)HPC Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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