General Operative (Material Handling Division)

C&D Foods is one of Europe’s leading Own Label Petfood manufacturers producing a range of Wet and Dry Petfoods. Founded in 1969, and now part of The APB Food Group, C & D Foods has grown to become one of the industry’s leading pet food producers. C&D Foods has 7 production facilities across 6 Countries (Ireland, Denmark, Austria, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK) and 2 sales offices (Germany and Italy). C&D Foods’ Head Office is in Mullingar, County Westmeath. Turnover is in excess of €300 million.C&D Foods have an exciting opportunity for a General Operative within our Material Handling Department to join our team. This role will be based in Edgeworthstown, Co. Longford. The role involves working in a cold/chilled environment, and successful candidates will be required to work carefully and efficiently, following agreed-upon standards to protect product quality, minimize waste, and comply with on-site Health and Safety regulations.Key Responsibilities:Carry out tasks within area of responsibility to meet daily output requirements.Will be required to maintain a strong pace of work to achieve Production targets.Maintain good housekeeping and food safety standards.Support Maintenance, Quality and other personnel to ensure production lines runs safely and efficiently and to the highest level of Quality.Key Behaviours/Competencies:Candidate must be willing to work in area with a colder environmentCandidate must be comfortable in working with raw materialsCandidate must be flexible to work Continental Shift PatternAbility to work in a busy environment with a can-do attitude and commitment to safety.Ability to cope with physical demands of the job.Team PlayerAttention to detail.Fork truck Licence is essential for this role.

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