General Operative /Housekeeping

Beechfield care group- Glengara Nursing Home  Beechfield Care Group are currently looking to recruit  a general operative  to assume responsibility for the care of residents at Glengara Park Nursing Home, Glenageary Rd, Glasthule, Dublin A96 H242 We are a long-established Nursing Home Group based Dublin, Carlow, Meath, Westmeath & Kildare. Our mission is to supply the best standard of quality care to our residents. Our philosophy places the care of the resident at the heart of the nursing home. About Glengara ParkGlengara Park is set in a distinctive Victorian country house with large gardens. We are fortunate to be close to Sandycove and, we are just a short walk from the sea, every resident is unique, and we respect and value each individual for who they are. This is our ethos. We take pride in our wonderful and passionate care team, which comprises of a number of staff who have been with us for over 10 years. Their experience, but also their genuine interest and passion in doing what they are doing, is essential in achieving and keeping the high standard that we set for ourselves. 

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