General Operative Freezer

am Dennigan & Company uc. the largest Irish owned fresh produce and logistics Company based in North Co. Dublin, are currently recruiting for the position of Freezer General Operative - Days for our Freezer Department in our busy Depot in Oldtown, Palmerstown, North Co. Dublin. Duties, included but not limited to:Working in a Team EnvironmentUsing Voice Pick System to pick orders accurately for dispatch to customersGoods Inwards – breaking down orders and putting stock away onto shelvesLoading customer orders onto TrucksMaintaining Target Pick RatesOperating Power Pallet Trucks or TrolleysAdherence to Health & Safety, Hygiene, Quality and HACCP standards in the Warehouse Experience/Knowledge:Strong attention to detailMotivated to work in a fast paced environmentExcellent communication skillsHard Working and Enthusiastic, a Team PlayerManual Handling experiencePrevious Warehouse experience desirablePower Pallet Trucks, Reach Truck, Trolleys and Forklift experience a distinct advantage Hours of Work5 Days over 7Full time 40 hours per weekFixed-Term 6-Month Contract with a view to PermanentImmediate start for suitable candidatesBenefits:Onsite parkingCompetitive Rate of PayEmployee Assistant ProgrammeAdditional Annual Leave based on service years Own transport essential. If you feel you have the experience to work in a dynamic, challenging and fast-moving environment please apply with your most up to date CV.

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