Food Processing Operative

A History of Divilly’s LtdFrom modest beginnings almost a hundred years ago, Divilly’s Ltd has gone from a small & local operation with an emphasis on customer service & high quality, to one that covers the entirety of Ireland whilst still maintaining the same core & key family values.HIGH QUALITYWe source our meat from only the best suppliers.CUSTOMER SERVICEFor us here at Divilly’s Meats, the customer’s satisfaction is vital.FAMILY OWNEDThree generations of Divillys have ran the operation.IRISH SOURCEDSourcing local produce is absolutely crucial to our company visionWe are currently looking to recruit Skilled Production and General Operatives to work as part of our production lines and team. If successful you will be working as part of the operations team in the factory, undertaking all duties as directed by your manager/supervisor.The successful candidate will work as part of the factory processing team producing meat to fulfil production targets on a daily and weekly basis. Key Responsibilities:Meet production targets.Will be required to work across all areas of the meat processing plant.Performing daily visual inspections, Quality checks as defined by departmental procedures and instructions.Adhering to food safety standardsCompiling documentation.Key Requirements:Previous production experience highly beneficial but not essentialThe person needs to enjoy working individually and also as part of a team, with a broad scopeOther Details:Standard working week up to 40 hours(Monday -Friday)Competitive and progression of ratesTraining in English language skills, company operating procedures will be provided. Day shift 7:30 am- 17:00 pmButchery Skills would be of great benefit to candidateFree onsite Parking

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