General Operative AM - FTC - Greenogue

Fastway is in a period of unprecedented growth and as such, we have a need to secure a driven, focused, and experienced Warehouse General Operative to join their busy team on a fixed term contract. The desired candidate for this Warehouse General Operative role will have worked within a logistics/warehouse business previously. The successful candidate will be based in our Greenogue Depot, Unit 1A, Greenogue Logistics Park, Baldonnell Business Park, Co. Dublin, D24 DH9YHours:AM - 6:00am to 3:00pmJob Responsibilities of this Warehouse General Operative job:· Sort Freight by location· Ensure all freight handled is scanned· Lift and shift all materials where required· Assist existing warehouse team where needed· Be self-motivated· Checking for damaged parcels· Responsible for general warehouse duties· Responsible to maintain accuracy throughout all processesKey Skills for this Warehouse General Operative job:· A successful track record working as strong team member· Fluency in English is essential both written and verbal· Can-do attitude in day-to-day tasks· Good communicator· Strong attention to detailJob Types: Fixed Term Contract until 31st MaySalary: €12.70 per hourLicence/Certification:Counterbalance & Reach Forklift Certificate (preferred but not required)#FAST1

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