General Manager- The Arlington Hotel

As General Manager you will manage the day-to-day leadership and direction of the hotel, maximising on sales and revenue and driving financial returns. You’ll take ownership of the development of your people, execute on high standards of service, and build awareness of the hotel and brand.€120,000 Salary for the right candidate. Financial & Commercial:Prepare annual capital, cash flow and sales and marketing plans to accurately forecast budgetsAnalyse financials to drive revenues, future profitability and maximum return on investment. Use distribution channels and technology platforms to drive revenue and maximise market shareLead capital plans and asset management initiatives, including working with owners to maintain or improve property’s market leadership position Guest Experience:Demonstrate brand citizenship by maintaining compliance with all required group and service standardsDrive improvement in guest satisfaction goals.Collaborate with colleagues and hotel team members to establish and implement services and program's that meet or exceed guest expectationsSpeak to guests – ask for their feedback and build relationships People & Culture:Develop program's and initiatives to increase team engagement that are aligned with the hotel’s service philosophyDevelop, implement and monitor team member succession planning to ensure future bench strengthEstablish performance and development goals for team members and provide mentoring, coaching and regular feedback to enhance performanceOversee HR related actions in accordance with company rules and policiesResponsible Business:Ensure a safe and secure environment for guests, colleagues and hotel assetsAct as public relations representative to raise awareness of hotel and brand in local community.Drive team member involvement in community organisations, activities and businessesDevelop and carry out action plans to be environmentally-conscious by taking steps to reduce the hotel’s carbon footprintCarry out weekly duty management shifts so as to understand how the operation works and to lead the team from the frontWhy Work with us Career Progression OpportunitiesTop industry Rates, €80,000 package on offerTraining and DevelopmentDaily Meal Allowance

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