General Manager

Please note that our Redhill Restaurant operates from 10am until 11pm Mon-Thur & Sun and from 10am until midnight Fri & Sat, so you must be able to work a variety of shift patterns that work with the operations of the restaurant. Please only apply for this position if you are able to commit to these working patterns.We are looking to recruit an experienced Restaurant Manager for our BRAND NEW Creams Café in Redhill. We are looking for a knowledgeable Restaurant Manager to take the helm, someone who can train, develop and motivate the team in order to grow a loyal guest base. The successful Restaurant Manager will have had at least two years’ previous experience as a Restaurant or Café Manager and will be able to demonstrate that they can deliver superb, high quality guest service and outstanding operational excellence. Ideally you will have come from a similar Café type business, with a passion for the Dessert offer; be sales focused with sales driving ideas and able to effectively manage costs to deliver the bottom line profit.As a Creams Restaurant Manager, you will have an outgoing, fun personality, able to train, coach and motivate the team and lead your business to be the best Dessert Restaurant in town.We are proud to be able to offer all our Employees at every level in the business, the opportunity to be enrolled onto an Apprenticeship that will mean that they can learn and develop, earn a nationally recognised qualification and be ready for promotion onto the next step of their career journey. Creams is the UK’s leading Italian Gelato Dessert Restaurant group serving an inspiring range of Waffles, Crepes, Sundaes, Milkshakes, Coffee, Cakes and amazing Gelato Ice Cream, as well as the hit new Vegan menu. What’s not to love about working in our Dessert Restaurant where fun and treats are the order of the day.The Role: Our Restaurant Manager roles are permanent positions which involve working a variety of shifts over a 7-day operation that will include some evenings and you must be prepared to work the key weekend periods, so flexibility will be required. You will be expected to manage your own Diary and work according to the needs of the business.Restaurant Manager Responsibilities:Recruiting, training and developing a great and talented teamLooking after our Guests’ needs by being the face of the business, welcoming and making sure we are delivering a fantastic experience every timeAble to drive sales and profits, always looking for the opportunity to maximise both without compromising on standards and product deliveryBe prepared to be hands-on as and when the business requiresUnderstand and deliver all the legally required Health & Safety & Food Safety measures Restaurant Manager Benefits:A fun, vibrant working environment with plenty of variety and challenge!A competitive salaryLots of opportunity for development as we continue our planned growth throughout the UK and beyond

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