General Manager

Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection, are currently recruiting for an experienced General Manager. This is an excellent opportunity for a General Manager who wishes to further their career within a progressive group. The successful candidate will oversee the day-to-day running of the hotel and all departments therein. Main Duties:To oversee all departments of the hotel in the execution of their duties in order to maximise operational efficiency;To ensure consistent operational effectiveness and exceptional service at all times throughout all departments of the hotel;To assume full responsibility for all operational management, financial performance and sales & marketing activity;To maximise guest satisfaction and exceed their expectations;To work closely with all departments and with the other properties in The Collection to maximise service opportunities and thereby increase revenues;To plan and operate within the annual budget guidelines ensuring that revenue is maximised and profitability is achieved for the hotel;To develop an amicable and personable business relationship with clients, guests and staff;To create a culture which promotes positivity, employee engagement, empowerment and common goals, subsequently encouraging each team member to have pride in their work;To be responsible for all business decisions within the hotel;To possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, essential for dealing and building personable relationships with internal and external guests;To demonstrate professionalism and integrity at all times recognising that you are an ambassador for the Talbot Collection;To ensure that an effective structure of communication is maintained at all times;To ensure that each member of staff is trained to competently complete their duties and to fulfil departmental standards and guests expectations;To work in a safe manner at all times, to ensure personal safety and the safety of all employees and guests. To practice and take action on anything that may jeopardise safety; To be proactive in managing health and safety;To be proactive in managing energy and the environmental footprint of the hotel, working closely with the Group Sustainability Manager;The successful candidate will have:Minimum of 5 years' experience as a General Manager/Deputy General Manager of a 4* Hotel Operation;Be highly motivated and driven to achieve targets;Excellent interpersonal skillsExcellent attention to detailExcellent decision making and negotiation skillsExcellent time management and organisation skillsProven record of managing a team successfully to achieve resultsThe successful candidate will be responsible to the Group Managing Director.********Midleton Park Hotel is an equal opportunities employer********

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