General Maintenance Person

We are currently recruiting for a full time General Maintenance Person to join our team at Dromoland Castle Hotel. If you have the necessary experience, then we would love to hear from you. Overview of the Role: ·       Maintain and repair mechanical and electrical machinery.·        Perform all routine preventative maintenance.·        To provide general maintenance in all areas of the hotel, working from the hotels Maintenance app ensuring all issues are rectified in a timely manner to a high standard.·        Plan & implement preventative maintenance measures.·        Ensure all maintenance stores are kept Safe, always clean & organised.·        HVAC experience.·        Attend to all types of repairs and maintenance work in the hotel premises and guest rooms.·        Record all daily work on maintenance software.·        Work every third weekend.  The Ideal Candidate: Minimum of 2 years’ relevant work experience.A good knowledge of Health and SafetyExcellent organisational skills.Relevant Qualifications in this area.Good interpersonal and communication skills  Motivations: - Competitive rates of pay.Wellness programme.Resort benefits are available e.g. discounts on hotel accommodation, food and beverage.Free onsite parking.Meals whilst on duty.Free leisure centre membership.Discounted leisure centre activities.Sick Pay Scheme.Pension Scheme after 6 months.Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.Sustainability programmes.

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