General Assistant

About Us We are a team of passionate individuals, developing ground-breaking biological solutions to sustainably and safely control insects that spread disease and destroy crops. We do this work to improve lives and livelihoods around the world in the face of growing threats that insects pose to human health and the global food supply. Whilst what we do relates to developing insect control technologies, our organisation is about people and in its service to people. All candidates for all Oxitec positions must be committed to Oxitec’s values and principles. We foster a culture of trust, respect, creativity, and accountability. Click here to read about trust and about our principles, and click here to read our CEO’s blog on trust and our corporate culture.  Purpose of the Job We are seeking a highly motivated General Assistant to support the team developing our FriendlyTM Aedes aegypti project. As a General Assistant you will play a key role within the R&D department by ensuring all laboratory and rearing equipment is cleaned and well maintained, ready for use by the technical team. In addition, you will be responsible for helping to maintain a clean and safe working environment.    Responsibilities Cleaning and storing of laboratory and insect rearing equipment; Keeping the laboratories clean and well maintained, by regularly cleaning floors and surfaces;  Ensuring laboratory waste is properly decontaminated and disposed of; Ensuring timely delivery and collection of lab coats sent for laundry; Regularly defrosting the fridges and freezers; Managing stocks of chemicals and solutions commonly used by the technical team; Adhering to all relevant H&S, COSHH, biosafety and biocontainment requirements.   Skills, Experience, and Education Requirements Educated to at least GCSE level, minimum grade C in English and Maths; Previous experience in a scientific or industry-based company is desirable; Must be diligent and organised; Able to work independently; Have good communication skills; An understanding of H&S associated with laboratory environments such as COSHH and Risk Assessments.  Behavioural Requirements Committed to and passionate for the Oxitec mission and values; Responsive to the needs of an international organisation working across different time zones, adapting working patterns in-line with business requirements; Positive, humble, co-operative and professional always; Work with a sense of urgency, and solves things promptly; Be resilient and persistent in an innovative and constantly changing environment; Show integrity and act honestly by acting to the best of their ability and escalating issues in a timely manner; Able to work with people, show a spirit of inclusiveness, adapt to and respect others, and support the team; Have attention to detail and the ability to follow specific instructions.  

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