Gelato maker - full time - fully flexible

Gelato maker - 30hr plus a weekWe at Gino's Gelato are currently recruiting for the role of Gelato Maker to join our team in our store in Paul Street, Co. Cork. Gino's is a successful country wide chain of Gelato Shops which is experiencing strong growth and we are currently searching for a customer focused individual to join our dynamic team.We are looking to fill the roll of Gelato Maker. Full training provided.The successful candidate will need to enjoy customer interaction, deliver excellent customer service, and have a flair for the creative. Previous experience is preferred but not essential as full training will be provided. Ideally candidate will live locally. There is a competitive remuneration package on offer for the right candidate.If you would like to work for a company that values its colleagues and provides a happy work environment, don't hesitate apply today with an up to date CV.Join the Gino's success story, we would love to hear from you.Job Description:Meet and exceed customer expectation through active customer interactionMake Gelato fresh every day and produce to company standard and recipes.Stock control and ordering of product.Ensure a clean and safe environment is provided at all times for your team and customers alike.Ensure all company policies are implemented at all times, especially HACCP and Food Safety.If Pride , great quality, and rewarding work appeals to you then apply today to join our team.Full training providedJob Types: PermanentSalary: €13.50 per hour

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