Gelato Maker - Full Time Fully Flex 30hrs+ p/week

Gino's GelatoA leading Irish Retailer with multiple retail outlets and currently growing rapidly -is seeking a Gelato Maker for our new store in Clontarf. The ideal candidates will have an outgoing nature, with good customer service skills. Previous experience is desirable but not essential as we will provide the necessary training. Full Time, must be fully flexible, mornings afternoons during the week and weekends.It is essential that you have the above availability, please do not apply if you cannot commit to the hours required ie if you are in school, studying etc Gino's Gelato is an independent Irish family business and is committed to always providing a best in class customer experience and successful applicant will have the responsibility of maintaining the high standards we expect within their store. Duties:Ensuring a culture of excellent customer service is maintained.Ensuring high store standards of cleanliness, merchandising and compliance with health & safety.Effective merchandising and display of product offering.Great customer service skills.Requirements:Strong communication & interpersonal skills.A passion for excellent customer service.The ability to multi-task and work under pressure.A desire to work as part of a team to generate fresh and innovative ideas.A positive attitude and a willingness to learn and improve.Benefits:Career progression opportunities. Apply to join our team and become part of a fast growing and dynamic Irish family business. Benefits:Flexible working hours Job Types: 35-40 hrs per week available - must be available to work evenings and weekends.Salary: €12.50 per hour - negotiable for someone with strong experience

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