Garden Room Assistant

DescriptionThe opportunity has arisen to join our team in Avoca Dunboyne Nurseries. This role is a part time position for immediate start. Looking for someone who is available to work weekends. This role is based in our Avoca Dunboyne store.Responsibilities:·      Assisting customers with enquiries, providing horticultural information and advice on gardening purchases.·      Cash handling requirements.·      Daily and weekly garden care, including watering, repotting etc.·      Plant Maintenance.·      Excellent customer service.·      This role is a manual role and will require manual handling training.·      Maintaining garden supplies in store through internal ordering processes, assisting with deliveries.Key Requirements·      Excellent timekeeping and attendance are required for this role.·      Experience with plants and garden merchandising is required.·      Regular communication is required between you and your line manager in order to maximize efficiency in this role.·      The nature of our business is dependent on customer service, which requires individuals to display flexibility with matters such as roster changes, cover days etc.·      Availability to work both weekdays and weekends is a must.·      A consistent level of quality is required, in keeping with Avoca high standards across all our stores. Avoca is an equal opportunities employer.

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