Fundraising Administration Executive

About COPE Galway   At COPE Galway, we aim to make a difference by empowering people, creating change and strengthening communities. We live by our values of Respect, Rights, Hope, Safety, Professionalism and Community. In our approach, we recognise that each person we work with has attributes and strengths that can make positive differences in their own lives. Everything we do is guided by this approach, to achieve our vision of a community where every person is valued, cared for and supported at every stage of life.   Our people are at the core of the COPE Galway community, forming strong relationships, understanding and respecting the people we work with and for across our services so that we positively impact their lives.   Our Fundraising Team work together to deliver engaging fundraising activities which create positive supporter experiences and generate vital fundraising revenue. The Fundraising Team work alongside Marketing, Communications, Grants and Digital to create the Development Team. The Development Team are a dynamic and passionate team that work together to achieve COPE Galway’s mission and vision by supporting and advocating for COPE Galway frontline staff and our clients across our three services in Galway.  If this sounds like a team you would like to be a part of, we would love to hear from you.  The Opportunity  We are looking for a Fundraising Administration Executive who will have day to day responsibility for administrative functions within the COPE Galway fundraising office including database management, reporting, income processing and reconciliation, donor care, event and campaign support alongside other administrative duties as required to meet the needs of the organisation and our donors.   The Fundraising Administration Executive will report to the Fundraising Manager and work within the Fundraising team as well as interacting with other key departments within COPE Galway including, communications, marketing and finance. The role will support the efficient and effective delivery of all fundraising events and activities. This person will be the database ‘super user’ and will champion best practices for the team in integrating the CRM into our day-to-day duties.   The Fundraising Administration Executive will be someone who can work independently as well as part of a team, and most importantly will have a passion for making a difference.    Main Responsibilities The key areas of responsibility for the Fundraising Administration Executive will include, but are not limited to:  Process and record all donations received in line with the relevant policies and procedures.  Respond in a timely and professional manner to all donor requests and queries. Maintain a high-quality data management system for fundraising, donor and donation information in compliance with all relevant data retention and GDPR policies and regulations.  Ensure discretion, confidentiality and the highest levels of GDPR compliance is maintained in the dealing of sensitive donor information.  Manage donor direct debit transactions including commencing, altering and terminating direct debit payments as per donor requests and in line with relevant policies and procedures.  Ensure all cash and non-cash donations are counted and recorded in a timely manner. Manage the stewardship of COPE Galway’s donors to ensure a high level of retention. Ensure timely and professional acknowledgement of donations received including the fulfilment of all thank you letters.  Work with the finance department to ensure that records of income for all fundraising activities in the fundraising database are reconciled with the finance department.  Review and document changes to processes and procedures regularly. Support the delivery of donor recruitment campaigns and activities including the input of new donors into the donor database, processing of payment information and coordination of follow up communication.  Provide administrative and operational support to all fundraising events and activities as requested. Provide regular reports and analysis as requested in relation to donor activity, fundraising income and other information as required.  Identify areas in which to improve the collection, recording and retention of data to maximise fundraising outcomes.   Person Specification To succeed in this role, the ideal candidate will demonstrate evidence of the following skills and experience:  Demonstrated experience in the management of donor databases and/or CRM systems. Experience working with Blackbaud software would be advantageous as well as having a flair for databases and spreadsheeting. Evidence of working in a busy office environment with responsibility for ensuring effective and efficient communication and processes are in place to achieve outstanding results.  Previous experience in the care, stewardship and retention of donors and a demonstrated understanding of the donor relationship development. Understanding of the non-profit / charity sector. Fluency in English. High level written and verbal communication skills.  Proven track record in providing outstanding customer service.  Excellent time management and organisational skills with a demonstrated ability to multi-task and prioritise competing activities with a can-do attitude.  Advanced computer literacy especially with regards to database management, Word and Excel.  Satisfactory references required for this role Interviews are scheduled to take place on the 24th August, 2023  Key terms and conditions of employment  Contract:  Full Time, Permanent Location: COPE Galway Head Office, with some remote working possible  Salary:  Clerical Officer Grade (€25,101 - €32,326, depending on experience) Annual leave:  23 days per annum plus bank holidays Other Benefits: Pension, Income Protection (after 6 months), Training in Trauma Informed Practice, Access to our Employee Assistance Programme, Employee benefits such a special rate at gyms Hours of work:  39 hours per week  Flexibility required to meet the requirements of the role including some weekend and evening work. Working at the COPE Galway Business Sleep Out and Christmas Day Swim is a requirement for this role. 

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