Full Time Waiting Staff

Cliff at Lyons, in the beautiful Kildare countryside, is a complete destination featuring stunning accommodation, great event and meeting facilities, a Spa and Wellness centre, all situated around our two food outlets. Our culinary team, led by Executive Chef Sean Smith, makes up the heart and soul of the property through our Mill restaurant and Pantry café. We are driven by a desire to create wonderful food, and wonderful experiences, inspired by the gardens and grounds of the estate, and the wonderful seasonal produce of Ireland.As part of our ongoing drive for excellence, we are looking for experience, hardworking and dynamic individuals to join our Food & Beverage Team.If this interests you, please get in touch… Requirements:·        Excellent command of English language·        Professional but friendly, welcoming mannerKey Duties and Responsibilities:·        Mis-en-place is carried out·        Ensuring high standard of service·        Carrying out closing procedures efficientlySkills:·        Standards driven and detail-orientated·        Excellent self-presentation·        Strong food & beverage knowledgeDid you know?The hotel is not serviced by public transport, so applicants must be able to drive

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