Full Time Person-in-Charge / Social Care Management

Permanent Full Time Person-in-Charge / Social Care ManagementMyLife by Estrela Hall is a leading provider of community based residential and respite services for adults with intellectual, physical, and sensory disabilities in the Northeast region. We are currently expanding our services throughout the region and now is a great time to join our first class team.MyLife currently has an exciting opportunity for a full-time Person-in-Charge (P.I.C.) / Social Care Manager for our service in Ardee, Co. Louth. This is an excellent opportunity to join our family owned and run organisation at an exciting phase of growth.If you are a dedicated Persons in Charge / Social Care Manager /Service Manager /Nurse Manager seeking a rewarding career and ready to take the next exciting step then we want to hear from you. As Person in Charge, you will be responsible for the overall management of a designated centre in Ardee, Co. Louth. In collaboration with the Director of Care, you will provide leadership and management to your team ensuring high quality care is delivered to residents in compliance with regulatory requirements. You will also be a key driver and champion of MyLife’s culture which is based on the principles of home, family an individuality. If you are committed to supporting people in all aspect of their lives to enable them to live their life their way, then we have a place for you in our progressive and energetic professional teams.      Benefits:                   Competitive SalaryAccess to MyLife Company Pension Fortnightly PayChristmas BonusAccess to Hospital Saturday Fund Health Benefits PlanBike to Work SchemeFamily businessCompassionate and respectful culture with family values at our heartLong Service Recognition AwardsComprehensive induction processExtensive training programmeVery supportive working environmentCareer Progression Opportunities On-going mentoring and supportEducational SupportEmployee Assistance Programme for staff and their familiesFree onsite Car ParkingAnnual Staff Appreciation Celebration and awards Role Requirements:An appropriate healthcare qualificationMinimum of 3 years’ experience in a management or supervisory role in the area of health or social care ANDAn appropriate qualification in health or social care management at an appropriate level.Strong leadership skillsKnowledge of HIQA StandardsFull Drivers Licence Please apply with your CV for more information. Salary: Negotiable in accordance with qualifications and experience

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