Front Office Receptionist

We have a fantastic new vacancy for a Front Office Receptionist in the beautiful Dunboyne Castle Hotel & Spa. Dunboyne Castle Hotel & Spa is a luxury estate, nestled in 21 acres of lush green Meath countryside. The Georgian mansion which welcomes visitors today was originally built in 1764, on the same site as the original castle.Objective of the RoleReporting to the Front Office Manager, the Front Office Receptionist will assist the running of the Front Office department. The Receptionist is the first person that a guest meets on arrival to the Hotel, therefore it is of utmost importance that all staff present a friendly and professional image to our guests at all times.As part of your role:  All our team pride themselves in offering exceptional guest service to ensure we always go above and beyond for our guests. Your role with us will include:Greet and welcome our guests to the Hotel.Register the guests and take payment.Answer any queries the guest may have on in house facilities and tourist information.Take responsibility for the security of the keys.Update all guest information in the computer.Take and confirm reservations to our guests.Working shifts to include evenings and weekendsWhat have you done before? Notwithstanding your positivity and ambition for hospitality we would ideally like you to have some experience for your role as outlined below:Excellent customer care skills.Be able to work on your own initiative.Excellent communication skills.Be able to cope well under pressure.Why should you join our team? We offer the below to all our team members: A welcoming & supportive team environment Opportunities for development Meal on duty Staff discounts throughout the Hotel & it’s sister property. Complimentary car-parking Employee Assistance Programme  If you are interested in further developing your knowledge and experience in the industry, with this exciting and unique opportunity please apply online. 

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