Front Desk Receptionist

We have a fantastic new vacancy for a Front Desk Receptionist in the Ashling Hotel. Our award winning 226 room hotel is currently recruiting for a Front Desk Receptionist to join our Front Office Team. This is an excellent opportunity for someone with experience within a similar quality environment, to join our team. The sucessful candidate will come from at least a 4-star background preferably with experience in a similar role and should be flexible as this role requires the person to work weekdays and weekendsThe successful candidate will possess strong interpersonal skills, a high level of customer service skills and excellent work ethic  Benefits·        Competitive salary·        Training & development to aid your professional and personal development·        Staff meals and uniform are provided while on duty.·        Paid breaks·        Earn money by referring a friend to work with us Responsibilities ·        Presenting a friendly and professional image to the guests at all times as the front desk receptionist is the first person the guest meets when arriving at the hotelGreet and welcome our guests to the HotelMust have anAssist in ensuring that our standards of service are met. Performs the check in and check out of the guests according to hotel procedures. ·        Deal with guest queries and requirements in a professional manner·        Take responsibility for the security of the keys·        Report issues of maintenance and malfunctioning appliances for quick repair in order to ensure guests comfort and satisfaction. RequirementsExcellent customer care skills.Be able to work on your own initiative.Excellent communication skills.Be able to cope well under pressureReasonably good computer skillsKnowledge of reservation software (OPERA knowledge will constitute an advantage)

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